Monday, February 19, 2018

Arrival in the Bahamas

We've arrived!  We pulled in to the Green Turtle Club late Sunday afternoon.  It was the moment we'd dreamed of as we watched and waited for the miles to flow past us, first on the Intra-Coastal Waterway from Fort Pierce to Lake Worth, then across the Gulf Stream to Old Bahama Bay Marina, and finally across the clear, turquoise waters of the Little Bahamas Bank, with a peaceful overnight anchorage at Great Sale Cay, to our arrival at this lovely spot. Four days on the water, fifty-plus nautical miles daily travelling at 6 knots added up to where we wanted to be!  So far, so good!

Last night we had a deliciously fresh lobster risotto at the Green Turtle restaurant, followed by a very early night.

The next stage of our journey will be to cross 'The Whale', an inlet from the Atlantic Ocean to the Sea of Abaco. Tales of the the 'rages' that can turn this rock-strewn stretch of water into a boiling cauldron can turn your hair grey - if it's not already!  So we'll listen to the weather gurus and wait - probably until the weekend.  In the meantime we can tour the island on a golf cart, explore and buy provisions at 'New Plymouth', the island's main town, stroll the unspoiled beaches, and mix and mingle with other sailors.  The marina is filling up today due to the forecast for a 'cold' front with strong winds over the next few days. Quite a few boats we've met at Harbortown Marina, and at other points along the way, are at our marina or on moorings nearby.

A Bahamian 'Aside'.
Things can go wrong here in Paradise, just as they can anywhere else. At the moment the electricity for most of the Abaco Islands is 'out', except for a couple of hours twice a day.  The problem is with the main generator situated in Marsh Harbour. It has broken down, and technicians have been 'waiting for a part'.  We've heard that Hope Town, our final destination, is all a-buzz - not with the usual 'chatting and chilling', but with the hum of everyone's generators! 
We are fine with our restricted electicity and the boat's batteries.

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