Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Still waiting, still having fun and still finding 'boat stuff' that needs to be done!

There is a weather window coming up tomorrow!  Just a short one. We probably could have made it, but we didn't because our self-furling main sail is stuck in the mast and we are waiting for a sail rigger to come tomorrow to fix it!  Some readers may remember a similar problem which happened a few years ago. We thought we had solved it by having the sail re-cut, but obviously not! 

Ron & Jane on their motor cruiser, 'Rachel', have headed off to Lake Worth ready for their crossing early tomorrow.  They go a lot faster than our 6 - 7 knots and can cover the 57 miles in under four hours so they'll get to West End in the Bahamas before the weather window closes down  in mid-afernoon with the arrival of stronger winds from the north.  We hope to catch up with them at Green Turtle Cay some time next week. Rumours of another weather window for early next week are beginning to spread around the marina.

We drove into Stuart last Saturday to meet up with Fruji and John Bull - the other grandparents of our grandsons, Leo, Orson and Simon. Had a very nice evening.  On Sunday we drove to Palm Beach to have lunch with 'old' school friends from the Isle of Wight - Sue and David. It was so good to get together and talk over new and old times.

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